Ready to start using essential oils?


Are you ready to dive into the wonderful world of essential oils with Young Living®? If so, read on, dear friend.

Essential oils are aromatic, concentrated plant extracts that are carefully obtained through steam distillation, cold pressing, or resin tapping. These oils capture the plant's scent and flavor, also called its "essence”.

As we know, essential oils can be inhaled, used topically, and used for cleaning the body, soul, and home 😊, and some can even be ingested. Ingestible essential oils must be in their purest form, but some oils should never be ingested at all. In fact, all essential oils you use, whether on the body, ingested, or otherwise, should be in their purest form. Just as our foods have become much more processed and filled with chemicals we can’t pronounce, so have many of the oils on the market. When purchasing your essential oils, always do your research. I can’t stress this enough. Even if some oils say 100% pure, they may be grown with certain chemicals or pesticides, or even have trace amounts of additives. And if the ingredient label says ‘fragrance’, don’t get fooled, it’s loaded with stuff that may enhance its smell but take away from its natural benefits. Young Living® Essential Oils are of the purest form, distilled and produced from only the finest botanicals, and this is why Young Living® is the brand I use and recommend. It’s definitely quality over quantity here!

Young Living® has been around since 1994, when it started as a mom and pop shop in Utah. What I love about Young Living® is how the company organically evolved to where it is today, without compromising the integrity of their products. Young Living® offers essential oils, blends, and oil-infused, plant-based products with optimal levels of specific, naturally occurring essential oil constituents to maximize their potency. Plus, they have the ultimate highest standards when it comes to product production, through their Seed to Seal® three pillars promise—Sourcing, Science, and Standards.

Young Living® believes that everyone deserves a life full of abundance and wellness. Their vision is to bring the life-changing benefits of essential oils to everyone, everywhere.

Young Living® offers a selection of starter kits, a great purchase whether you’re a first-time user or a regular essential oil (EO) user. My first starter kit included 11 essential oils, a diffuser and a few other cool items that I’ve listed below.

Here’s what was included: (see below for a quick intro on a few of my favorite EOs****)

Oils/Oil blends:

  1. Lavender 5ml

  2. Peppermint 5ml

  3. Lemon 5ml

  4. Frankincense 5ml

  5. DiGize™ 5ml

  6. Thieves® 5ml

  7. Purification™ 5ml

  8. R.C.™ 5ml

  9. Copaiba 5ml

  10. PanAway™ 5ml

  11. Stress Away™ 5ml

Other Cool Items Included in the Kit:

  • 2 AromaGlide™ Roller Fitments

  • 1 Thieves® Household Cleaner 1oz Sample

  • 2 NingXia Red® 2oz Samples

  • 1 Thieves® Waterless Hand Purifier 1oz Sample

  • 1 Essential Oils at a Glance Brochure

  • 1 Young Living Lifestyle Brochure

  • A Diffuser of Choice (Dewdrop™, Desert Mist™, Aria™ or Rainstone™)

  • Educational Collateral (such as Essential Oils Magazine, Product Guide, Essential Edge News – Collateral may vary)

After trying out so many different essential oil brands, I can safely say that I have experienced the most benefits with Young Living®, and I feel very confident recommending these products to others. As a member, you’ll receive significant discounts when purchasing YL products. Click here to learn more, and to compare Member vs. Retail Customer pricing, then click continue to see an overview of the selection of Starter Kits available. Again, make sure to click this link if you’d like to sign up and use the Sponsor/ Enroller ID Code: 18220658 !

As always, if you have any question about signing up to be a member, your starter kit, samples, purchases, or essential oils in general, let me know. You can contact me at Stay tuned in our Oil Zone section for more blogs about the EOs and upcoming workshops.


****Here’s a quick introduction on a few of my personal favorites:

The scent of lavender is refreshing, calming, and floral. Lavender oil is one of YL’s most popular, and it’s a great beginner oil as well. You can use a few drops on your pillow before bed, in your skincare products, or even just diffuse a few drops in the diffuser.

Lemon has an energizing and joyful scent to it. Citrusy and fresh, add it to your favorite soaps and cleaners to really absorb its amazing scent. After using lemon oil, you’ll never want to clean with chemical-laden products again!

Thieves® Essential Oil Blend is a combination of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary essential oils. It’s an aromatic blend of EOs that can fill any room with a vibrant and spicy aroma, and it's perfect for using year round. Diffuse, use in cleaning products, apply with massage oils. The options are endless.
