Tips for using ZOOM
First-time Zoomers
When you click on a link to join a Zoom session on a computer or mobile device, you will be prompted to download the app. when you go into Zoom, make sure you select “Join with computer audio” and click the icon on the bottom that shows a red line through the camera to enable your video camera.”
Android tablet-
Download and install Zoom, then follow the prompts to run the app and join the session.
To test your Zoom interface, click on any event ahead of time. You will be asked the following: Do you want to allow this page to open “”?
Click on Allow. A message will show when your meeting is scheduled to begin. Follow the prompts to run the app and join the session.Learn more about how it works here by clicking: Getting stared with Zoom
Seasoned Zoomers
Please support someone you know who may be new to Zoom!
More Zoom tips and etiquette
You are a participant and the teacher is the host.
Please mute yourself (participant) upon entering the session and whenever you are not speaking to prevent interruptions to the class. Even shuffling props can cause interruptions.
Raise a hand if you'd like to speak and the teacher (host) will unmute you or will ask you to unmute yourself.
Hover over the upper right corner of your screen to change from Speaker view to Gallery view. Speaker view will allow whoever is speaking to dominate the screen that you see. Gallery view is nice.
Come enjoy Zoom Yoga together!