Frankincense Oil

What is it?

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Frankincense oil comes from the genus Boswellia and is sourced from the resin of the Boswellia carterii, Boswellia ferreana or Boswellia serrata trees.  Now that’s a mouthful! These trees can grow with very little soil in dry and desolate places. They are typically found in the Arabian Peinsula and parts of notheastern Africa.

Sadly, the trees are in danger. The trees grow slowly and the amount of resin needed to keep up with oil demand is inhibited by the number of mature trees available. The more a tree is tapped for resin, the less likely it will produce more seeds and grow more trees.


Fun Facts

The King of Essential Oils - fittingly its name is derived from an old French phrase “ fran encens,” meaning “high quality incense”.

Frankincense is closely associated with religious traditions and rites, such as Christianity. Perhaps you know or remember it as one of the gifts brought by The Three Wise Men to baby Jesus. Yes, gold, myrrh and frankincense

Centuries back Arabic doctors made sure that their clothes were heavily scented with frankincense before visiting patients because they believed the oil would keep them free from disease.

Naturally today, aromatherapists and other natural-healers also think it is the king of all oils because its range of health benefits are believed to be nothing short of spectacular.

(Suggested) Benefits

  • skin brightener - add a few drops to your favorite natural face cream to enhance radiant and healthy skin

  • brain booster - helps with brain fog and enhances calmness and mood - a few drops added to your carrier oil and massaged into neck, temples, and wrists feels wonderful

  • reduces obstructed and delayed menstruation, and delays the onset of menopause - a little dab on the belly is great during these times

  • helps to cure other symptoms associated with menses and pre-menstrual syndromes (PMS), such as pain in the abdominal region, nausea, headache, fatigue, and mood swings - a little dab on the belly…you know the deal!

  • cuticle strenghtener - add a few drops to your favorite carrier oil such as coconut or almond oil and massage into cuticles to keep nails strong

EndorphinGirl®’s favorite use

About 8 drops in the diffuser during yoga or exercise to help uplift the spirit while also providing a grounding effect.

A final, but important note…

As with any essential oil, dilute, dilute, dilute! One way to do this is by using EndorphinGirl™’s favorite carrier oil… can you guess which one? … Coconut oil, of course!

Happy oiling!

[disclaimer: this blog is not a substitute for medical advice; consult with a doctor regarding any medical conditions you may have when beginning to use essential oils]
